Great Training Tips to Putting Your Dog’s Collar On
By: Sam Kanouse
Published Date: September 4, 2018
We helped little Tilly, a six-year-old terrier mix, stop backing out of her collar and taught her to walk into her collar on her own using conditional emotional response training.
Like many dogs, Tilly thought putting her collar on to go outside was a fun “game,” meaning that she would back up away from her guardian when she tried to put her collar on. To stop her from backing away from her collar or protesting, I taught her guardian how to use CER or conditional emotional response training. This allows the dog to make an active choice to walk towards whatever they are protesting giving them a sense of control, and making putting her collar on easier for everyone! To see how I did this you can watch the video below.
As you can see in the video Tilly quickly picked up on this exercise! When working on terrier training you want to remember to take things one step at a time, ending on a positive note. What I mean by this is that it is better to have her only put the collar on halfway and have it be a good experience and wait until the next day to put it on all of the way rather than pushing her too far too fast. Just take things slow and build up lots of positive experiences along the way, this will set a great foundation for training.
By the end of the session Tilly was walking into her collar and looking to her guardian for leadership and direction. To keep up with this good behavior, remember that short, training sessions around five minutes or less are the best method. We wrapped up this dog behavior session with Tilly’s Roadmap to Success video, which you can watch below.
Categorized in: Dog Behavior