An Easy Way to Stop a Boxer From Barking at Trucks Outside her Home

By: David Codr

Published Date: August 27, 2020

Stella scaled - An Easy Way to Stop a Boxer From Barking at Trucks Outside her Home

For this Omaha dog training session we use a counterconditioning exercise to stop 1 year-old Boxer Stella from barking and acting out when she hears the sound of a delivery truck.

Being a Boxer puppy who doesnt have a fenced in yard, we started the session by going over some creative forms of exercise. Your average dog needs an hours worth of exercise a day, higher energy dogs need even more. By increasing her exercise, especially before working on her reaction to various sounds, will do wonders. Id also like the guardian to consider if a lack of exercise is a contributing factor when she engages in unwated activities like barking or jumping up.

As Omaha’s resident dog behaviorist, Ive found counterconditioning is an easy way to stop a dog from reacting to sounds. Since Stella likes to bark at delivery trucks, I advised her guardian to find a time to wait at the street with her phone so she can record the audio of a truck approaching, idling and departing. Once she has those sounds captured, she can use the steps outlined in the free positve dog behavior training video below to stop the dog from barking at sounds.

By pairing the sound, with the delivery of a treat and progressibly increasing the volume, Stella’s guardian should be able to stop the dog from barking at trucks or other sounds.

One of the great things about using counterconditioning to stop a dog from barking at sounds is how easy it is. You dont have to be a professional Boxer dog trainer to do it. It just takes practice and lots of yummy treats. If the humans pratice a few times a day in short 1 – 2 minute practice sessions, while gradually increasing the violumne, she sould be able to put a stop to unwanted dog barking.

We covered a number of other things in this in home Omaha dog behavior training session. To help Stella’s humans remember them all, we filmed a roadmap to success video summarizing everything.

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This post was written by: David Codr