Free Tips to Help a Dog Afraid of Car Rides
By: David Codr
Published Date: May 19, 2019
For this Omaha dog training session we help a formerly abused 5 year-old Australian Shepherd mix named Rocky. This sweet rescue dog is fearful of new humans. But Rocky’s family’s main concern was how to help a dog afraid of car rides.
Overcoming Trust Issues with a Dog
We started by discussing Rocky’s backstory and new life with his current guardians. Evidently Rocky spent the first 4 years of his life tied up and neglected. As a result he is fearful of humans until he gets to know them and they demonstrate that they are a good person.
To help build Rocky’s confidence, I showed his guardian how to pet him. This will boost his self-esteem and reward him for good actions and commands. I like to call it Petting with a Purpose.
One of Rocky’s dog behavior problems is barking at the family’s son when he moves around upstairs or comes into the room. I discussed a counterconditioning exercise they can use. I also suggested that the son start walking and feeding Rocky.
If you have trust issues with a dog, creating positive experiences can help. This approach builds their confidence and helps them overcome their fear of people.
I suggested that Rocky join our puppy classes. This way, he can play with young dogs and enjoy their energy. Sometimes seeing or being around other dogs can help a dog gain confidence, we call this habituation.
How to Help a Dog Afraid of Car Rides
A big problem is, Rocky is fearful of the car. Dogs can be scared of car rides for many reasons.
The most common reason is motion sickness. Other reasons include not having enough experience in a car or having bad experiences in one. As a dog behavior expert, I help dogs overcome their fear of cars. I do this by practicing car rides in small, easy steps.
You can learn how to help a dog get over a fear of the car in the free dog behavior training video below.
By taking it slow and helping Rocky get used to walking towards a parked car, he will feel more comfortable. First, he can sit in the car. Then, we can drive slowly.
Eventually, we can go for rides. This will help him gain confidence.
Adding in a fun experience around puppies at the end of those car rides should be the cherry on top. These are wonderful ways to help a dog stop feeling anxious in the car.
Be sure to take your dog to a variety of destinations. If a dog only goes in the car to visit the vet or the groomer, it will link the car to bad experiences. Take your dog to parks, playdates, and any other places they enjoy.
To help Rocky’s family remember the dog behavior tips I covered, we made a roadmap to success video. Check it out below.
Have a Dog Afraid of Car Rides? Click Here to Book a SessionCategorized in: Dog Psychology