Teaching a Dachshund to Focus to Stop it From Barking at Strangers
By: David Codr
Published Date: September 10, 2019
For this Omaha dog training session we teach 6 year-old Dachshund Parker (center with 11 year-old Oscar and 6 year-old Pepper) to Focus to help his guardians redirect him and stop him from barking at people.
Parker was so over threshold at when I first arrived for this session that I spent a considerable amount of time outside the door waiting for him to calm down. I used some dog behaviorist tricks and within 20 minutes we were best buds.
Stopping a dog from barking and lunging at people starts with identifying why the dog is acting out in the first place. The dog was acting aggressive to new people due to thinking he was in charge of the house and humans. As a result, we spent a good portion of the session going over the day to day routine. I made a number of small suggestions to create a healthy leader follower dynamic.
To stop the dog aggression, I shared some tips on greetings and setting the dog up for success. I also went over a great way to teach a dog to focus in a way that can reduce their stress. Best of all anyone can do this, even if you are not a professional Dachshund dog trainer. All you have to do is watch this free dog training video.
The guardians will need to practice this exercise frequently to stop their dog from barking and nipping people who come to visit the home. Id love to see them arrange to have a friend or neighbor come by every day for 1-2 weeks to really get some traction. Dog behavior modification is very much a numbers game.
Im hopeful that the lifestyle changes we covered will help reduce and stop the aggressive dog behavior, but if its still happening in a month or so I asked the guardians to call me back so we can schedule a follow up session to drill down deeper.
To help the guardians remember all the positive dog training tips we covered in this in home Omaha dog training session, we recorded a roadmap to success video.
Categorized in: Dog Behavior