A Great Way to Help a Dog Stop Nipping at Guests

By: David Codr

Published Date: January 15, 2020

Milo - A Great Way to Help a Dog Stop Nipping at Guests

For this Bennington dog training session we help 7 year-old rescue dog Milo stop barking or nipping guests who come to visit.

Milo was rescued when his guardians were doing some humanitarian work years ago. After befriending this cute street puppy, they looked out for him while they were there. When the family was getting ready to head back to the US, they decided to bring this now street dog home with them. Helping some people who rescued a dog literally off the street is so rewarding for us. Taylor and I couldn’t wait to get started.

After Milo nipped a houseguest, his guardians had started to put him away when people came to visit. While this can stop a dog from nipping people, its not going to help the dog learn to not nip strangers.

We chatted with the guardian without the dog for a bit before I used some dog beaviorist tricks to help make a great first impression. Milo responded so well I borough him out for the rest of the session and he did AMAZING. What a wonderful, playful and sweet dog. His ears reminded me of Baby Yoda from the Mandalorian.

We spent a good portion of the session sharing tips to help the humans better understand their dog and his needs. Increasing exercise for this long legged pooch will do wonders. So will introducing some rules so he can see them acting like leaders by enforcing them and practicing some self control.

To help the guardians remember all the tips to stop a dog from nipping people, I pulled out my camera so we could shoot a video.

The secret to stopping a dog from nipping people in this case is helping the dog understand that people visiting is actually a good and positive thing. These positive dog training tips work because it helps the dog build a positive and rewarding association with new people.

Exercising Milo before practicing this strategy to stop dog nipping will help set him up for success. There were a bunch of other tips I shared in this in home Bennington dog training session so I recorded a roadmap to success summary video when we finished.

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This post was written by: David Codr