Teaching a West LA Cockapoo to Stay to Stop His Separation Anxiety

By: David Codr

Published Date: April 19, 2019

Leo Sawtell Cockapoo - Teaching a West LA Cockapoo to Stay to Stop His Separation Anxiety

For this West LA in home dog training session, we teach 7 year-old Cockapoo Leo to stay and share other tips to stop his separation anxiety.

Dogs who suffer from separation anxiety are usually unpracticed at being home alone. To help the dog get over separation anxiety, we started off by going over the importance of rules, structure and discipline. Consistently enforcing rules right away, petting with a purpose and recognizing and rewarding desired behaviors as the dog offers them will all go a long ways towards helping create a healthy leader follower dynamic.

As LA’s Dog Behavior expert, I have been sharing tips to help dogs with separation anxiety for years. You can learn the secret to stopping separation anxiety by watching the free dog behavior training video below.

By desensitizing the dog from the individual triggers that are associated with the guardian leaving the home, and helping the dog practice being alone in the easiest capacity, we can set the dog up to succeed. Good news is you don’t have to be a professional Cockapoo dog trainer to use this positive dog training approach.

To help the guardian remember all the separation anxiety help and other suggestions I shared in this in home dog training session, we shot a roadmap to success video.

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This post was written by: David Codr