The Best Way to Stop a Dog From Marking or Having Accidents in the House

By: David Codr

Published Date: January 10, 2020

prevent dog from marking indoors

In this Omaha dog training session, we shared tips to prevent a dog from marking indoors and having accidents in the house. Our goal was to help 1-year-old Bichon Shih Tzu mix Leo (pictured here on the left with his roomie, 2-year-old Shih Tzu/Schnauzer mix Bailey) avoid ruining another carpet.

There is a difference between dog marking and dogs having accidents in the house. One is intentional and one isn’t. The process to stop a dog from having accidents in the house is different than tips to stop a dog from marking. I decided to shoot a positive dog training video that includes solutions to both problems.

The potty training secrets in the above video should stop the dog from having accidents in the house, but as I mentioned in the film, stopping a dog from marking in the house is all about creating and reinforcing a healthy leader follower dynamic. Until the dog sees the humans as leaders, it will likely continue to mark things so that if another dog comes inside, it knows there is someone is charge.

Fortunately, dogs live in the now. If the guardians constantly enforce the new rules, pet with a purpose, reward desired behaviors and increase exercise, they should be able to put a stop to the dog marking in the home.

To help the guardians remember all the tips I shared to create a healthy leader follower dynamic in this in home dog training session, we filmed a roadmap to success video.

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This post was written by: David Codr