Using Dalmatian Puppy Cuteness to Help a Girl Get Over a Fear of Dogs
Most of the posts on Quest Ed are of me helping Quest learn and grow. But in this video, its Quest’s turn to give back.
A dear friend in Omaha has a lovely young daughter named Isabel who is a bright and cheerful girl. But Isabel has an issue; she is deathly afraid of dogs. I suggested to her mom that a little Dalmatian puppy may be just what the doctor ordered for this issue.
Quest and I headed over to pay Isabel a visit and see if his cuteness could help her see dogs as friends not foes.
As soon as Isabel saw Quest outside her front door, she let out a shriek and let everyone within ear shot know that she didn’t want the dog inside or near her. Her patient parents helped convince her that he was no threat and eventually we were all outside.
At first, Isabel kept her distance; intensely watching Quest as he sniffed around. I had taken some precautions ahead of time, taking him out for plenty of exercise before we headed over. Puppies like to jump up to be close to anyone they meet and I knew that sort of action wouldn’t help Isabel. But because we got Quest some good exercise before hand, he had the perfect energy for this first meeting.
After a few minutes, Isabel got up and started following Quest around. She wasn’t ready to touch him, but the fact that she was up and approaching him on her own was a great sign.
After a few minutes, Isabel had relaxed and she started touching, then petting Quest. But when some friends who live near by dropped in to meet little Quest, Isabel got even more emboldened.
Seeing Isabell transition from “keep that puppy away” to picking him up and hugging him was a great thing to witness. Quest did some quality breed ambassador work today.
Tags: breed ambassador, Dalmatian, fear of dogs, nebraska, Omaha, puppy, puppy petting, puppy socialization, puppy training, QuestEdDal