Free Tips on How to Train a Golden Retriever
By: David Codr
Published Date: May 25, 2017
In this Omaha training session, we worked with two Golden Retrievers. Duke is three years old, and Hubert is two. Hubert was trained to be a service dog. The dogs’ guardians set up this behavior training session to learn how to train a golden retriever.
This family wanted to work on how to teach Duke to stop jumping up on people, stop pulling on the leash and stop charging the door when guests arrive.
Duke met me at the door as soon as I arrived. It took the more laid back Hubert a few minutes before he decided to come over to say and hi.
This pair showed great dog behavior. This is why many people choose Golden Retrievers as service dogs. They have a calm demeanor.
When I sat down with the guardians to talk about the help they needed for their dogs, I saw them pet the dogs whenever they got close. Got close isn’t the best description as the dogs kind of shoved their heads in between the human’s legs, nudged or jumped up on them for attention.
How to Train a Golden Retriever
There is nothing wrong with petting your dog, but paying attention to when you pet your dog is important. Anything your dog is doing when you pet it is what you are rewarding the dog for (in the dog’s mind).
Every time the dogs jumped up, nudged, or pawed at their humans for attention, they were learning. When the humans responded, they taught the dogs that jumping up or invading their space was the best way to ask for attention.
I suggested that the guardians stop petting the dogs when they ask for it. Instead, they should tell the dog to sit or lay down first. I call this petting with a purpose.
How to Teach a Dog to Take Treats Gently
This dog training secret is one of the easiest things any dog guardian can do with their dogs. This training teaches the dog to ask for attention by sitting in front of a person. It also helps the dog see the human as an authority figure.
During the session we went over a number of dog behavior and dog training exercises. While running through them, I noticed that Hubert did not have what we call a “soft mouth,” aka taking treats gently. I spent a few minutes showing the humans how to get Hubert to stop snatching treats.
In the video above, you can see a way to teach a dog to take treats gently. This is especially helpful when the dog is excited or overstimulated.
The process involves gradually training the dog to approach the treat calmly and with control. By initially holding the treat close and pulling it away slowly, the dog is encouraged to be more gentle. With repetition, a dog learns to accept a treat without lunging or grabbing it aggressively.
We suggest practicing this behavior in more exciting places. Try it when there are distractions, like children playing. This will help the dog focus and stay calm. The goal is for the dog to take treats delicately, even from a fork, without touching the silverware.
Teaching a Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash
After we finished up the inside exercises, I turned my attention to the pulling on the leash. For most of my clients, this unwanted dog behavior starts as soon as they attach the leash. But in this case, the dog stayed calm while someone attached the leash.
I took out a Martingale collar. I showed the guardians how to use the leash twist. This helps the dog stop pulling. I also shared my 4 rules for a Structured walk;
- Stay in position next to the human, not in front.
- Keep your arm loose so there is no tension on the leash.
- No stopping when the dog stops to sniff. Sniff while moving forward only.
- No marking. Dog needs to eliminate before and or after the way, not during.
Now these rules are only for a structured walk. To say a dog must walk this way every time is not reasonable or practical.
Walks should be enjoyable for dogs. Once the dogs walk better, guardians can give them more leash. This allows the dogs to stop and sniff along the way.
I suggested that the guardians invite me back in a month for a dog training session. We will train the dogs to walk in a heel with a loose leash. Leash training is best done in a session where it is the sole focus as it takes a lot of repetition.
I usually say that the dogs are calmer at the end of the session. However, these dogs were well behaved.
Their guardians had trained them before I arrived. Most of the session focused on sharing tips and suggestions. We also pointed out some behaviors that confused the dogs.
We wrapped things up by going over what I like to call the Roadmap to Success. You can watch Hubert and Duke’s roadmap by clicking on the video below.
Want to Learn How to Train a Golden Retriever? Click Here to Book a SessionCategorized in: Dog Behavior