How to Train Two Little Dogs to Stop Barking
By: Sam Kanouse
Published Date: June 6, 2018
In this Omaha dog training session we worked with a pair of Havanese dogs, a two-year-old named Sophie and a three-year-old named Buz who needed help to stop barking when guests arrive.
After I arrived I sat down with the guardians to chat with them about their main dog behavior concerns. I learned that the dogs would bark and get excited when people would arrive and leave. To help the dogs stop barking when guests arrived and stop jumping up I taught them our Claiming the Door exercise, which you can watch below.
As you can see in the video the dogs made great progress! They were quick to pick up on the exercise and learned the invisible boundary that we set for them very quickly. Remember that if the dogs still bark at first to be patient with them and just be firm with the invisible boundary, the barking will naturally stop over time.
To keep up with this good behavior the guardians will want to be consistent with their training and use good timing. Remember to ignore the dogs’ behavior if they start to demand your attention, such as barking and to pet them to reward them for good behavior. We wrapped up this dog behavior session with Sophie and Buz’s Roadmap to Success video, which you can watch below.
Categorized in: Dog Behavior