How to Train a Younger Dog from Stealing the Older Dog’s Food

By: Sam Kanouse

Published Date: May 3, 2018

JasperAddie - How to Train a Younger Dog from Stealing the Older Dog's Food

In this Omaha dog training session we worked with Jasper a one-year-old Boxer mix and Addie a ten-year-old Labrador who needed help with rules and boundaries and not stealing each other’s food.

After I arrived I chatted with the guardians about their main dog behavior concerns and one of their concerns was that Jasper had been stealing their older dog Addie’s food. Addie didn’t always want to finish her meal at one time. I decided to teach them our Structured Feeding exercise to encourage Addie to eat her meals in one sitting and stop Jasper from stealing Addie’s food. To see how I accomplished this you can watch the video below.

The great thing about this exercise is that it uses invisible boundaries, which can be used for many different things. The guardians had also expressed interest in getting their dogs to stop rushing to the door and jumping on guests when they arrived. They can use this same technique of setting invisible boundaries by the front door to keep the dogs from jumping on guests when they arrive.

By the end of the session Jasper was much calmer and both dogs were learning how to respect the new rules and boundaries that we put in place. I want to remind the guardians to keep using our Petting with a Purpose technique to reward the dogs for good behavior and use the Escalating Consequences to disagree with them. We wrapped up this dog behavior session with Jasper and Addie’s Roadmap to Success video, which you can watch below.

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This post was written by: Sam Kanouse